§ 9.1-128. Dissemination of criminal history record information; Board toadopt regulations and procedures.
A. Criminal history record information shall be disseminated, whetherdirectly or through an intermediary, only in accordance with § 19.2-389.
B. The Board shall adopt regulations and procedures for the interstatedissemination of criminal history record information by which criminaljustice agencies of the Commonwealth shall ensure that the limitations ondissemination of criminal history record information set forth in § 19.2-389are accepted by recipients and will remain operative in the event of furtherdissemination.
C. The Board shall adopt regulations and procedures for the validation of aninterstate recipient's right to obtain criminal history record informationfrom criminal justice agencies of the Commonwealth.
(1981, c. 632, §§ 9-187, 9-188; 2001, c. 844.)