§ 9.1-150.4. Unlawful conduct; penalties.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to (i) misrepresent facts in anapplication for registration; (ii) willfully refuse to furnish the Departmentinformation or records required or requested pursuant to statute orregulation; or (iii) violate any statute or regulation governing the practiceof special conservators of the peace regulated by this article or § 19.2-13.
B. Any person registered by the Department pursuant to § 19.2-13 who theDepartment or the Board determines has violated any statute or Boardregulation and who is not criminally prosecuted shall be subject to amonetary penalty not to exceed $2,500 for each violation. The penalty may besued for and recovered in the name of the Commonwealth and shall be paid intothe state treasury to the credit of the Literary Fund in accordance with §19.2-353.
C. Any person who is convicted of a willful violation of the provisions ofthis article or § 19.2-13 is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any personconvicted of a third or subsequent offense under this article or § 19.2-13during a 36-month period is guilty of a Class 6 felony.
(2003, c. 922.)