§ 9.1-152. Local court-appointed special advocate programs; powers and duties.
A. The Department shall provide a portion of any funding appropriated forthis purpose to applicants seeking to establish and operate a localcourt-appointed special advocate program in their respective judicialdistricts. Only local programs operated in accordance with this article shallbe eligible to receive state funds.
B. Local programs may be established and operated by local boards created forthis purpose. Local boards shall ensure conformance to regulations adopted bythe Board and may:
1. Solicit and accept financial support from public and private sources.
2. Oversee the financial and program management of the local court-appointedspecial advocate program.
3. Employ and supervise a director who shall serve as a professional liaisonto personnel of the court and agencies serving children.
4. Employ such staff as is necessary to the operation of the program.
(1990, c. 752, § 9-173.7; 1991, c. 421; 2001, c. 844.)