§ 9.1-156. Inspection and copying of records by advocate; confidentiality ofrecords.
A. Upon presentation by the advocate of the order of his appointment and uponspecific court order, any state or local agency, department, authority, orinstitution, and any hospital, school, physician, or other health or mentalhealth care provider shall permit the advocate to inspect and copy, withoutthe consent of the child or his parents, any records relating to the childinvolved in the case. Upon the advocate presenting to the mental healthprovider the order of the advocate's appointment and, upon specific courtorder, in lieu of the advocate inspecting and copying any related records ofthe child involved, the mental health care provider shall be available withinseventy-two hours to conduct for the advocate a review and an interpretationof the child's treatment records which are specifically related to theinvestigation.
B. An advocate shall not disclose the contents of any document or record towhich he becomes privy, which is otherwise confidential pursuant to theprovisions of this Code, except upon order of a court of competentjurisdiction.
(1990, c. 752, §§ 9-173.11, 9-173.12; 1995, c. 490; 2001, c. 844.)