§ 9.1-160. Designation of McGruff House; application; penalty.
All persons displaying the McGruff House symbol so that it is visible fromthe outside of their house shall first apply for designation as a McGruffHouse with a local law-enforcement agency. Upon receipt of an application fordesignation, the local law-enforcement agency shall conduct a backgroundcheck of the applicant in accordance with Chapter 23 (§ 19.2-387 et seq.) ofTitle 19.2 and Department regulations at no charge to the applicant. Anybackground checks of applicants for this program conducted by the Departmentof Social Services through the Child Abuse Registry shall be done at nocharge. Upon finding that the applicant meets the criteria established by theDepartment for maintaining a McGruff House and receipt of a signed statementby the applicant agreeing to the terms and conditions of the McGruff HouseProgram, the law-enforcement agency shall provide the applicant with theMcGruff House symbol.
The McGruff House symbol shall remain the property of the locallaw-enforcement agency. Upon a determination by the issuing law-enforcementagency that a house no longer meets the established criteria for a McGruffHouse, the symbol shall promptly be returned to the issuing law-enforcementagency.
Failure to return the symbol promptly after receipt of a written request todo so, which shall state the reason for the request, shall be subject to acivil penalty of up to $100. Persons not designated pursuant to this sectionto display the McGruff House symbol shall be subject to a civil penalty of upto $100.
(1994, cc. 60, 868, § 9-173.18; 2001, c. 844.)