§ 9.1-161. Crime prevention specialists; duties.
The Board shall adopt regulations establishing minimum standards forcertification of crime prevention specialists. Such regulations shall requirethat the chief law-enforcement officer of the locality or the campus policedepartments of institutions of higher education established by Chapter 17 (§23-232 et seq.) of Title 23 wherein the person serves shall approve thecertification before a candidate for certification may serve as a crimeprevention specialist. A crime prevention specialist shall have the duty to:
1. Provide citizens living within his jurisdiction information concerningpersonal safety and the security of property, and other matters relating tothe reduction of criminal opportunity;
2. Provide business establishments within his jurisdiction informationconcerning business and employee security, and other matters relating toreduction of criminal activity;
3. Provide citizens and businesses within his jurisdiction assistance informing and maintaining neighborhood and business watch groups and othercommunity-based crime prevention programs;
4. Provide assistance to other units of government within his jurisdiction indeveloping plans and procedures related to the reduction of criminal activitywithin government and the community; and
5. Promote the reduction and prevention of crime within his jurisdiction andthe Commonwealth.
(1994, cc. 60, 868, § 9-173.19; 2001, c. 844; 2004, c. 466.)