§ 9.1-164. Establishment of programs; purpose; regulations; judicial approvalof facilities.
A. It is the purpose of this article to enable any city, county, orcombination thereof, to develop, establish, operate, maintain, or to contractwith any qualified public or private agency for local or regionaldetoxification center programs, services, or facilities.
B. The Department shall adopt regulations for the implementation of suchprograms.
C. Detoxification center programs established or operated pursuant to thissection shall be governed solely by the regulations adopted by theDepartment. The Department shall award funds as may be appropriated for suchpurposes to local units of government.
D. The chief judge of the general district court in the jurisdiction thatwill be served by the facility shall approve the facility for the diversionof public inebriates from arrest and jail pursuant to § 18.2-388.
(1982, c. 666, § 9-173.1; 2001, c. 844.)