§ 9.1-170. Distribution of funds to towns.
A. Towns located in eligible counties and which have police departments shallreceive a percentage of the funds distributed to the county in accordancewith § 9.1-169, such percentage to be equal to the ratio of the town'spopulation as determined by the Department to the total population of thecounty.
B. Towns located in noneligible counties shall be assigned an adjusted crimeindex based on their population and the average of the three lowest predictedcrime rates for cities. Such towns shall receive funds based on such adjustedcrime index in the same manner as cities and eligible counties as provided in§ 9.1-169.
(1979, c. 83, § 14.1-84.5; 1981, c. 485; 1998, c. 872, § 9-183.17; 2001, c.844.)