§ 9.1-176. Mandated services; optional services and facilities.
Any city, county or combination thereof that elects or is required toestablish a local community-based probation services agency pursuant to thisarticle shall provide to the judicial system the following services ascomponents of local community-based probation supervision: community service;home incarceration with or without electronic monitoring; electronicmonitoring; and substance abuse screening, assessment, testing and treatment.Additional services and facilities, including, but not limited to, local dayreporting centers and services, local halfway house facilities and servicesfor the temporary care of adults placed on community-based probation, andlaw-enforcement diversion into detoxification center programs, as defined in§ 9.1-163, may be established by the city, county or combination thereof.
(1994, 2nd Sp. Sess., cc. 1, 2, § 53.1-182.1; 1996, c. 569; 1997, c. 339;1999, c. 372; 2000, c. 1040; 2001, c. 844; 2002, c. 491; 2007, c. 133.)