§ 9.1-178. Community criminal justice boards.
A. Each county or city or combination thereof developing and establishing alocal pretrial services or a community-based probation services agencypursuant to this article shall establish a community criminal justice board.Each county and city participating in local pretrial services or localcommunity-based probation services shall be represented on the communitycriminal justice board. In the event that one county or city appropriatesfunds to these services as part of a multijurisdictional effort, any otherparticipating county or city shall be considered to be participating if suchlocality appropriates funds to these services. Appointments to the boardshall be made by each local governing body. In cases of multijurisdictionalparticipation, unless otherwise agreed upon, each participating city orcounty shall have an equal number of appointments. Boards shall be composedof the number of members established by a resolution or ordinance of eachparticipating jurisdiction.
B. Each board shall include, at a minimum, the following members: a personappointed by each governing body to represent the governing body; a judge ofthe general district court; a circuit court judge; a juvenile and domesticrelations district court judge; a chief magistrate; one chief of police orthe sheriff in a jurisdiction not served by a police department to representlaw enforcement; an attorney for the Commonwealth; a public defender or anattorney who is experienced in the defense of criminal matters; a sheriff orthe regional jail administrator responsible for jails serving thosejurisdictions involved in local pretrial services and community-basedprobation services; a local educator; and a community services boardadministrator. Any officer of the court appointed to a community criminaljustice board pursuant to this subsection may designate a member of his staffapproved by the governing body to represent him at meetings of the board.
(Code 1950, § 53-128.19; 1980, c. 300; 1982, c. 636, § 53.1-183; 1983, c.344; 1988, c. 557; 1994, 2nd Sp. Sess., cc. 1, 2; 1995, cc. 502, 574, 768;1996, c. 342; 1997, c. 339; 2000, c. 1040; 2001, c. 593; 2001, c. 844; 2002,c. 491; 2004, c. 395; 2007, c. 133.)