§ 9.1-181. Eligibility to participate.
A. Any city, county, or combination thereof, which elects to, or is requiredto establish services shall participate in a local community-based probationservices agency by ordinance or resolution of its governing authority. Incases of multijurisdictional participation, each ordinance or resolutionshall identify the chosen administrator and fiscal agent as set forth in §9.1-183. Such ordinances or resolutions shall be provided to the Director ofthe Department, regardless of funding source for the established programs.
B. Any local community-based probation services agency established pursuantto this article shall be available as a sentencing alternative for personssentenced to incarceration in a local correctional facility or who otherwisewould be sentenced to incarceration and who would have served their sentencein a local or regional correctional facility.
(1992, c. 196, § 53.1-185.1; 1994, 2nd Sp. Sess., cc. 1, 2; 2000, c. 1040;2001, c. 844; 2007, c. 133.)