§ 9.1-183. City or county to act as administrator and fiscal agent.
Any single participating city or county shall act as the administrator andfiscal agent for the funds awarded for purposes of implementing a localpretrial services or community-based probation services agency. In cases ofmultijurisdictional participation, the governing authorities of theparticipating localities shall select one of the participating cities orcounties, with its consent, to act as administrator and fiscal agent for thefunds awarded for purposes of implementing the local pretrial services orcommunity-based probation services agency on behalf of the participatingjurisdictions.
The participating city or county acting as administrator and fiscal agentpursuant to this section may be reimbursed for the actual costs associatedwith the implementation of the local pretrial services or community-basedprobation services agency, including fiscal administration, accounting,payroll services, financial reporting, and auditing. Any costs must beapproved by the community criminal justice board and reimbursed from thosefunds received for the operation of the local pretrial or community-basedprobation services agency, and may not exceed one percent of those fundsreceived in any single fiscal year.
(1994, 2nd Sp. Sess., cc. 1, 2, § 53.1-185.3; 1995, cc. 502, 574; 1996, c.969; 2000, c. 1040; 2001, c. 844; 2007, c. 133.)