§ 9.1-185. Definitions.
As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Agent" means a person who is a licensed bail bondsman who has been givenpower of attorney to act on the behalf of a licensed property bail bondsman.
"Bail bondsman" means any person who is licensed by the Department whoengages in the business of bail bonding and is thereby authorized to conductbusiness in all courts of the Commonwealth.
"Board" means the Criminal Justice Services Board.
"Certificate" means a certificate issued by a judge on or before June 30,2005, pursuant to former § 19.2-152.1.
"Department" means the Department of Criminal Justice Services.
"Property bail bondsman" means a person licensed pursuant to this articlewho, for compensation, enters into a bond or does so through his agent andwho pledges real property, cash or certificates of deposit issued by afederally insured institution, or any combination thereof as security for abond as defined in § 19.2-119 that has been posted to assure performance ofterms and conditions specified by order of an appropriate judicial officer asa condition of bail.
"Surety bail bondsman" means a person licensed pursuant to this article whois also licensed by the State Corporation Commission as a property andcasualty insurance agent, and who sells, solicits, or negotiates suretyinsurance as defined in § 38.2-121 on behalf of insurers licensed in theCommonwealth, pursuant to which the insurer becomes surety on or guarantees abond, as defined in § 19.2-119, that has been posted to assure performance ofterms and conditions specified by order of an appropriate judicial officer asa condition of bail.
(2004, c. 460; 2007, c. 708.)