§ 9.1-185.2. Powers of the Criminal Justice Services Board relating to bailbondsmen.
The Board shall have full regulatory authority and oversight of property andsurety bail bondsmen.
The Board shall adopt regulations that are necessary to ensure respectable,responsible, safe and effective bail bonding within the Commonwealth. TheBoard's regulations shall include but not be limited to regulations that (i)establish the qualifications of applicants for licensure and renewal underthis article; (ii) examine, or cause to be examined, the qualifications ofeach applicant for licensure, including when necessary the preparation,administration, and grading of examinations; (iii) levy and collectnonrefundable fees for licensure and renewal that are sufficient to cover allexpenses for administration and operation of a program of licensure; (iv)ensure continued competency and prevent deceptive or misleading practices bypractitioners; (v) administer the regulatory system; (vi) provide for receiptof complaints concerning the conduct of any person whose activities areregulated by the Board; (vii) provide for investigations and appropriatedisciplinary action if warranted; (viii) establish standards for professionalconduct, solicitation, collateral received in the course of business,firearms training and usage, uniforms and identification, documentation andrecordkeeping requirements, reporting requirements, and methods of capturefor the recovery of bailees; and (ix) allow the Board to suspend, revoke orrefuse to issue, reissue or renew a license for just cause. The Board shallnot adopt compulsory, minimum, firearms training standards in excess of 24hours per year for bail bondsmen. In adopting its regulations, the Boardshall seek the advice of the Private Security Services Advisory Boardestablished pursuant to § 9.1-143.
(2004, c. 460.)