§ 9.1-185.6. Licenses; renewal.
A. A license granted to a bondsman by the Department shall authorize suchperson to enter into bonds, as defined in § 19.2-119, in any county or cityin the Commonwealth.
B. Every bail bondsman license issued pursuant to this article shall be for aterm of two years.
C. A bail bondsman license may be renewed for an ensuing two-year period,upon the filing of an application in the form prescribed by the Departmentand payment of the nonrefundable renewal application processing feeprescribed by the Department. In addition, applicants for renewal of a bailbondsman license shall undergo a criminal history background check as set outin subdivision B 3 of § 9.1-185.5 and shall provide all other documentationlisted in subsections C and D of § 9.1-185.5 as the Department deemsappropriate.
D. On or before the first day of the month prior to the month his license isdue to expire, the licensee shall make application for license renewal andshall at that time pay the renewal application fee.
E. Any license not renewed by its expiration date shall terminate on suchdate.
(2004, c. 460.)