§ 9.1-186. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Bail enforcement agent," also known as "bounty hunter," means anyindividual engaged in bail recovery.
"Bail recovery" means an act whereby a person arrests a bailee with theobject of surrendering the bailee to the appropriate court, jail, or policedepartment, for the purpose of discharging the bailee's surety from liabilityon his bond. "Bail recovery" shall include investigating, surveilling orlocating a bailee in preparation for an imminent arrest, with such object andfor such purpose.
"Bailee" means a person who has been released on bail, and who is or hasbeen subject to a bond, as defined in § 19.2-119.
"Board" means the Criminal Justice Services Board.
"Department" means the Department of Criminal Justice Services.
(2004, c. 397.)