§ 9.1-186.11. Reporting standards and requirements.
A. Each licensed bail enforcement agent shall report within 30 calendar daysto the Department any change in his residence, name, or business name orbusiness address, and ensure that the Department has the names and fictitiousnames of all companies under which he carries out his bail recovery business.
B. Each licensed bail enforcement agent arrested or issued a summons for anycrime shall report such fact within 30 calendar days to the Department, andshall report to the Department within 30 days the facts and circumstancesregarding the final disposition of his case.
C. Each licensed bail enforcement agent shall report to the Department within30 calendar days of the final disposition any administrative action takenagainst him by another governmental agency in this Commonwealth or in anotherjurisdiction. Such report shall include a copy of the order, consent to orderor other relevant legal documents.
(2004, c. 397.)