§ 9.1-1109. Forensic Science Board; membership.
A. The Forensic Science Board (the Board) is established as a policy boardwithin the meaning of § 2.2-2100, in the executive branch of stategovernment. The Board shall consist of 15 members as follows:
1. The Superintendent of the State Police or his designee;
2. The Director of the Department of Criminal Justice Services or hisdesignee;
3. The Chief Medical Examiner or his designee;
4. The Executive Director of the Virginia Board of Pharmacy or his designee;
5. The Attorney General, or his designee;
6. The Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia or his designee;
7. The Chairman of the Virginia State Crime Commission or his designee;
8. The Chairman of the Board of the Virginia Institute of Forensic Scienceand Medicine or his designee;
9. The Chairman of the Senate Committee for Courts of Justice or his designee;
10. The Chairman of the House Committee for Courts of Justice or his designee;
11. Two members of the Scientific Advisory Committee, chosen by the chairmanof that committee; and
12. Three members, appointed by the Governor, from among the citizens of theCommonwealth as follows:
a. A member of law enforcement;
b. A member of the Virginia Commonwealth's Attorneys Association; and
c. A member who is a criminal defense attorney having specialized knowledgein the area of forensic sciences.
B. The legislative members shall serve for terms coincident with their termsof office. The members appointed by the Governor shall serve for terms offour years, provided that no member shall serve beyond the time when he holdsthe office or employment by reason of which he was initially eligible forappointment. Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled in the same manner asthe original appointment, but for the unexpired term.
C. Notwithstanding any provision of any statute, ordinance, local law, orcharter provision to the contrary, membership on the Board shall notdisqualify any member from holding any other public office or employment, orcause the forfeiture thereof.
D. The Board shall elect its chairman and vice-chairman. A majority of themembers shall constitute a quorum. Members shall be paid reasonable andnecessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Legislativemembers shall receive compensation as provided in § 30-19.12 andnonlegislative citizen members shall receive compensation for their servicesas provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825.
E. The Board shall hold no less than four regular meetings a year. Subject tothe requirements of this subsection, the chairman of the Board shall fix thetimes and places of meetings, either on his own motion or upon writtenrequest of any five members of the Board.
(2005, cc. 868, 881; 2009, c. 323.)