§ 9.1-1113. Functions of the Scientific Advisory Committee.
A. The Committee may review laboratory operations of the Department and makerecommendations concerning the quality and timeliness of services furnishedto user agencies.
B. The Committee shall review and make recommendations as necessary to theDirector of the Department and the Forensic Science Board concerning:
1. New scientific programs, protocols, and methods of testing;
2. Plans for the implementation of new programs, sustaining existing programsand improving upon them where possible, and the elimination of programs nolonger needed;
3. Protocols for testing and examination methods, and guidelines for thepresentation of results in court; and
4. Qualification standards for the various scientists of the Department,including the Director.
C. Upon request of the Director of the Department, the Forensic ScienceBoard, or the Governor, the Committee shall review analytical work, reports,and conclusions of scientists employed by the Department. The Committee shallrecommend to the Forensic Science Board a review process for the Departmentto use in instances where there has been an allegation of misidentificationor other testing error made by the Department during its examination ofevidence.
(2005, cc. 868, 881.)