§ 9.1-1300. Domestic violence policies and procedures for law-enforcementagencies in the Commonwealth.
The Virginia Department of State Police and the police and sheriff'sdepartments of every political subdivision in the Commonwealth shallestablish an arrest policy and procedures for domestic violence and familyabuse cases. Any local police or sheriff's department is authorized to adoptan arrest policy that prescribes additional requirements under this section.Any policies and procedures established under this section shall at a minimumprovide guidance to law-enforcement officers on the following:
1. The department's arrest policy;
2. The standards for determining who is the predominant physical aggressorpursuant to § 19.2-81.3;
3. The standards for completion of a required incident report to be filedwith the department including the existence of any special circumstanceswhich would dictate a course of action other than arrest;
4. The department's policy on providing transportation to an allegedly abusedperson;
5. The legal and community resources available to allegedly abused persons inthe department's jurisdiction;
6. The department's policy on domestic violence incidents involvinglaw-enforcement officers; and
7. The department's policy on the handling of cases involving repeatoffenders of family abuse or domestic violence.
(2008, cc. 600, 771.)