§ 9.1-206. State Fire Marshal; qualifications; powers and duties; power toarrest, to procure and serve warrants and to issue summonses; limitation onauthority.
The Executive Director of Fire Programs shall employ a State Fire Marshal andother personnel necessary to carry out the provisions of the Statewide FirePrevention Code (§ 27-94 et seq.). The State Fire Marshal and other personnelemployed pursuant to this section shall be selected upon the basis ofeducation or experience in administering laws and regulations designed toprevent and eliminate hazards to life and property arising from fire.
The State Fire Marshal shall have the powers and duties prescribed by theStatewide Fire Prevention Code (§ 27-94 et seq.), by § 27-61, by Boardregulation and by the Director. The State Fire Marshal and those persons dulyauthorized to enforce the Statewide Fire Prevention Code shall have theauthority to arrest, to procure and serve warrants of arrests and to issuesummonses in the manner authorized by general law for violation of theStatewide Fire Prevention Code. The authority granted in this section shallnot be construed to authorize the State Fire Marshal to wear or carryfirearms. All personnel employed pursuant to this section shall meet thetraining requirements set forth for local fire marshals in § 27-34.2.
(2007, cc. 647, 741.)