§ 9.1-402. Payments to beneficiaries of certain deceased law-enforcementofficers, firefighters, etc., and retirees.
A. The beneficiary of a deceased person whose death occurred on or beforeDecember 31, 2005, while in the line of duty as the direct or proximateresult of the performance of his duty shall be entitled to receive the sum of$75,000, which shall be payable out of the general fund of the statetreasury, in gratitude for and in recognition of his sacrifice on behalf ofthe people of the Commonwealth.
B. The beneficiary of a deceased person whose death occurred on or afterJanuary 1, 2006, while in the line of duty as the direct or proximate resultof the performance of his duty shall be entitled to receive the sum of$100,000, which shall be payable out of the general fund of the statetreasury, in gratitude for and in recognition of his sacrifice on behalf ofthe people of the Commonwealth.
C. Subject to the provisions of §§ 27-40.1, 27-40.2, 51.1-813, or § 65.2-402,if the deceased person's death (i) arose out of and in the course of hisemployment or (ii) was within five years from his date of retirement, hisbeneficiary shall be entitled to receive the sum of $25,000, which shall bepayable out of the general fund of the state treasury.
(1995, cc. 156, 597, § 2.1-133.7; 2000, c. 314; 2001, c. 844; 2006, c. 878.)