§ 9.1-405. Appeal from decision of Comptroller.
Any beneficiary, disabled person or his spouse or dependent of a deceased ordisabled person aggrieved by the decision of the Comptroller shall present apetition to the court in which the will of the deceased person is probated orin which the personal representative of the deceased person is qualified ormight qualify or in the jurisdiction in which the disabled person resides.
The Commonwealth shall be represented in such proceeding by the AttorneyGeneral or his designee. The court shall proceed as chancellor without ajury. If it appears to the court that the requirements of this chapter havebeen satisfied, the judge shall enter an order to that effect. The ordershall also direct the Comptroller to issue his warrant in the appropriateamount for the payment out of the general fund of the state treasury to suchpersons and subject to such conditions as may be proper. If, in the case of adeceased person, there is no beneficiary, the judge shall direct such paymentas is due under § 9.1-402 to the estate of the deceased person.
(1995, cc. 156, 597, § 2.1-133.10; 1998, c. 712; 2001, c. 844.)