§ 9.1-800. Commonwealth Public Safety Medal of Valor.
There is hereby established the Commonwealth Public Safety Medal of Valor.The Governor may award and present the Commonwealth Public Safety Medal ofValor, of appropriate design with ribbons and appurtenances, to a Virginiapublic safety officer for performance above and beyond the call of dutyinvolving extraordinary valor in the face of grave danger, at great personalrisk. The public safety officer shall have exhibited uncommon valor, whichclearly distinguishes the officer as performing above and beyond normal jobrequirements. The Commonwealth Public Safety Medal of Valor shall be thehighest award for valor by a public safety officer conferred by theCommonwealth. The Governor may select no more than three recipients for theCommonwealth Public Safety Medal of Valor award each year, unless theGovernor determines that extraordinary circumstances warrant the selection ofadditional recipients.
(2002, c. 150.)