A deferred prosecution program for alcoholism shall be for a two-year period and shall include, but not be limited to, the following requirements:
(1) Total abstinence from alcohol and all other nonprescribed mind-altering drugs;
(2) Participation in an intensive inpatient or intensive outpatient program in a state-approved alcoholism treatment program;
(3) Participation in a minimum of two meetings per week of an alcoholism self-help recovery support group, as determined by the assessing agency, for the duration of the treatment program;
(4) Participation in an alcoholism self-help recovery support group, as determined by the assessing agency, from the date of court approval of the plan to entry into intensive treatment;
(5) Not less than weekly approved outpatient counseling, group or individual, for a minimum of six months following the intensive phase of treatment;
(6) Not less than monthly outpatient contact, group or individual, for the remainder of the two-year deferred prosecution period;
(7) The decision to include the use of prescribed drugs, including disulfiram, as a condition of treatment shall be reserved to the treating facility and the petitioner's physician;
(8) All treatment within the purview of this section shall occur within or be approved by a state-approved alcoholism treatment program as described in chapter 70.96A RCW;
(9) Signature of the petitioner agreeing to the terms and conditions of the treatment program.
[1999 c 143 § 43; 1985 c 352 § 17.]
Notes: Legislative finding -- Severability -- 1985 c 352: See notes following RCW 10.05.010.