Such sureties shall be approved by the clerk, and the entry of the recognizance shall be written immediately following the judgment, and signed by the bail, and shall have the same effect as a judgment, and if the fine or costs be not paid at the expiration of the sixty days, a joint execution shall issue against the defendant and the bail, and an execution against the body of the defendant, who shall be committed to jail, to be released as provided in *this act, in committal for default to pay or secure the fine and costs.
[Code 1881 § 1124; 1873 p 243 § 282; 1854 p 124 § 146; RRS § 2205. Formerly RCW 10.82.020, part.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: The term "this act" apparently refers to "An act to regulate the practice and pleadings in prosecutions for crimes" first enacted by Laws of 1854, page 100.