Nothing contained in this chapter shall prevent any member of the armed forces of the United States or person employed on a vessel of the United States merchant marine from disposing of his wages or personal property, or prevent any person competent to make a will from disposing of his or her personal property of the value of not to exceed one thousand dollars, by nuncupative will if the same be proved by two witnesses who were present at the making thereof, and it be proven that the testator, at the time of pronouncing the same, did bid some person present to bear witness that such was his will, or to that effect, and that such nuncupative will was made at the time of the last sickness of the testator, but no proof of any nuncupative will shall be received unless it be offered within six months after the speaking of the testamentary words, nor unless the words or the substance thereof be first committed to writing, and in all cases a citation be issued to the widow and/or heirs at law of the deceased that they may contest the will, and no real estate shall be devised by a nuncupative will.
[1965 c 145 ยง 11.12.025. Formerly RCW 11.12.020, part.]