(1) The state may make grants to local governments for the provision of community-based programs for juvenile offenders. The grants must be made under a grant formula developed by the juvenile rehabilitation administration, in consultation with the Washington association of juvenile court administrators.
(2) Upon certification by the juvenile rehabilitation administration that a proposal satisfies the application and selection criteria, grant funds will be distributed to the local government agency that administers funding for consolidated juvenile services.
[1997 c 338 § 62.]
Notes: Finding -- Evaluation -- Report -- 1997 c 338: See note following RCW 13.40.0357.
Evaluation -- Report -- 1997 c 338 §§ 60-64: See note following RCW 13.40.500.
Severability -- Effective dates -- 1997 c 338: See notes following RCW 5.60.060.