(1) Whenever the director, the county noxious weed control board, or a weed district finds that a parcel of land is so seriously infested with class A or class B noxious weeds that control measures cannot be undertaken thereon without quarantining the land and restricting or denying access thereto or use thereof, the director, the county noxious weed control board, or weed district, with the approval of the director of the department of agriculture, may issue an order for the quarantine and restriction or denial of access or use. Upon issuance of the order, the director, the county noxious weed control board, or the weed district shall commence necessary control measures and may institute legal action for the collection of costs for control work, which may include attorneys' fees and the costs of other appropriate actions.
(2) An order of quarantine shall be served, by any method sufficient for the service of civil process, on all persons known to qualify as owners of the land within the meaning of this chapter.
(3) The director shall, with the advice of the state noxious weed control board, determine how the expense of control work undertaken pursuant to this section, and the cost of any quarantine in connection therewith, is apportioned.
[1997 c 353 § 25; 1987 c 438 § 22; 1969 ex.s. c 113 § 21.]