(1) An individual or group of individuals duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render the same professional services within this state may organize and become a shareholder or shareholders of a professional corporation for pecuniary profit under the provisions of Title 23B RCW for the purpose of rendering professional service. One or more of the legally authorized individuals shall be the incorporators of the professional corporation.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, registered architects and registered engineers may own stock in and render their individual professional services through one professional service corporation.
(3) Licensed health care professionals, providing services to enrolled participants either directly or through arrangements with a health maintenance organization registered under chapter 48.46 RCW or federally qualified health maintenance organization, may own stock in and render their individual professional services through one professional service corporation.
(4) Professionals may organize a nonprofit nonstock corporation under this chapter and chapter 24.03 RCW to provide professional services, and the provisions of this chapter relating to stock and referring to Title 23B RCW shall not apply to any such corporation.
(5)(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, health care professionals who are licensed or certified pursuant to chapters 18.06, 18.225, 18.22, 18.25, 18.29, 18.34, 18.35, 18.36A, 18.50, 18.53, 18.55, 18.57, 18.57A, 18.64, 18.71, 18.71A, 18.79, 18.83, 18.89, 18.108, and 18.138 RCW may own stock in and render their individual professional services through one professional service corporation and are to be considered, for the purpose of forming a professional service corporation, as rendering the "same specific professional services" or "same professional services" or similar terms.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, health care professionals who are regulated under chapters 18.59 and 18.74 RCW may own stock in and render their individual professional services through one professional service corporation formed for the sole purpose of providing professional services within their respective scope of practice.
(c) Formation of a professional service corporation under this subsection does not restrict the application of the uniform disciplinary act under chapter 18.130 RCW, or applicable health care professional statutes under Title 18 RCW, including but not limited to restrictions on persons practicing a health profession without being appropriately credentialed and persons practicing beyond the scope of their credential.
[2001 c 251 § 29; 1999 c 128 § 1; 1997 c 390 § 3; 1996 c 22 § 1; 1991 c 72 § 3; 1986 c 261 § 1; 1983 c 100 § 1; 1969 c 122 § 5.]
Notes: Severability -- 2001 c 251: See RCW 18.225.900.