The examination for a license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be prepared to test knowledge and understanding of at least the following subjects:
(1) Washington groundwater laws as they relate to well construction;
(2) Sanitary standards for well drilling and construction of wells;
(3) Types of well construction;
(4) Drilling tools and equipment;
(5) Underground geology as it relates to well construction; and
(6) Rules of the department and the department of health relating to well construction.
Examinations shall be held at such times and places as may be determined by the department but not later than thirty days after an applicant has filed a completed application with the department. The department shall make a determination of the applicant's qualifications for a license within ten days after the examination.
[1993 c 387 § 16; 1991 c 3 § 250; 1971 ex.s. c 212 § 8.]