(1) Any person from another state that the director determines has selection, training, and other requirements at least equal to those required by this chapter, and who holds a valid license, registration, identification, or similar card issued by the other state, may apply for a private security guard license card or armed private security guard license card on a form prescribed by the director. Upon receipt of a processing fee to be determined by the director, the director shall issue the individual a private security guard license card or armed private security guard license card.
(2) A valid private security guard license, registration, identification, or similar card issued by any other state of the United States is valid in this state for a period of ninety days, but only if the licensee is on temporary assignment as a private security guard for the same employer that employs the licensee in the state in which he or she is a permanent resident.
(3) A person from another state on temporary assignment in Washington may not solicit business in this state or represent himself or herself as licensed in this state.
[1995 c 277 § 9; 1991 c 334 § 12.]