No prearrangement funeral contract forms shall be used without the prior approval of the board.
The board shall disapprove any such contract form, or withdraw prior approval, when such form:
(1) Violates or does not comply with this chapter;
(2) Contains or incorporates by reference any inconsistent, ambiguous or misleading clauses, or exceptions and conditions which unreasonably or deceptively affect the merchandise or service purported to be provided in the general coverage of the contract;
(3) Has any title, heading, or other part of its provisions which is misleading;
(4) Is being solicited by deceptive advertising;
(5) Fails to disclose fully the terms of the funeral service being provided by the contract, including but not limited to, any discounts, guarantees, provisions for merchandise or service substitutions or other significant items; or
(6) Is not written in language which the board considers to be easily understood by the purchaser.
[1989 c 390 § 9; 1986 c 259 § 72; 1982 c 66 § 11.]
Notes: Severability -- 1986 c 259: See note following RCW 18.130.010.
Effective dates -- Transfer of records, files, and pending business -- Savings -- 1982 c 66: See notes following RCW 18.39.240.