(1) The following will be considered as minimum evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant is qualified for registration as a professional engineer, engineer-in-training, professional land surveyor, or land-surveyor-in-training, respectively:
(a)(i) As a professional engineer: A specific record of eight years or more of experience in engineering work of a character satisfactory to the board and indicating that the applicant is competent to practice engineering; and successfully passing a written or oral examination, or both, in engineering as prescribed by the board.
(ii) Graduation in an approved engineering curriculum of four years or more from a school or college approved by the board as of satisfactory standing shall be considered equivalent to four years of such required experience. The satisfactory completion of each year of such an approved engineering course without graduation shall be considered as equivalent to a year of such required experience. Graduation in a curriculum other than engineering from a school or college approved by the board shall be considered as equivalent to two years of such required experience. However, no applicant shall receive credit for more than four years of experience because of undergraduate educational qualifications. The board may, at its discretion, give credit as experience not in excess of one year, for satisfactory postgraduate study in engineering.
(iii) Structural engineering is recognized as a specialized branch of professional engineering. To receive a certificate of registration in structural engineering, an applicant must hold a current registration in this state in engineering and have at least two years of structural engineering experience, of a character satisfactory to the board, in addition to the eight years' experience required for registration as a professional engineer. An applicant for registration as a structural engineer must also pass an additional examination as prescribed by the board.
(iv) An engineer must be registered as a structural engineer in order to provide structural engineering services for significant structures. The board may waive the requirements of this subsection (1)(a)(iv) until December 31, 2010, if:
(A) On January 1, 2007, the engineer is registered with the board as a professional engineer; and
(B) Within two years of January 1, 2007, the engineer demonstrates to the satisfaction of the board that the engineer has sufficient experience in the duties typically provided by a professional structural engineer regarding significant structures.
(b)(i) As an engineer-in-training: An applicant for registration as a professional engineer shall take the prescribed examination in two stages. The first stage of the examination may be taken upon submission of his or her application for registration as an engineer-in-training and payment of the application fee prescribed in RCW 18.43.050 at any time after the applicant has completed four years of the required engineering experience, as defined in this section, or has achieved senior standing in a school or college approved by the board. The first stage of the examination shall test the applicant's knowledge of appropriate fundamentals of engineering subjects, including mathematics and the basic sciences.
(ii) At any time after the completion of the required eight years of engineering experience, as defined in this section, the applicant may take the second stage of the examination upon submission of an application for registration and payment of the application fee prescribed in RCW 18.43.050. This stage of the examination shall test the applicant's ability, upon the basis of his or her greater experience, to apply his or her knowledge and experience in the field of his or her specific training and qualifications.
(c)(i) As a professional land surveyor: A specific record of eight years or more of experience in land surveying work of a character satisfactory to the board and indicating that the applicant is competent to practice land surveying, and successfully passing a written or oral examination, or both, in surveying as prescribed by the board.
(ii) Graduation from a school or college approved by the board as of satisfactory standing, including the completion of an approved course in surveying, shall be considered equivalent to four years of the required experience. Postgraduate college courses approved by the board shall be considered for up to one additional year of the required experience.
(d)(i) As a land-surveyor-in-training: An applicant for registration as a professional land surveyor shall take the prescribed examination in two stages. The first stage of the examination may be taken upon submission of his or her application for registration as a land-surveyor-in-training and payment of the application fee prescribed in RCW 18.43.050 at any time after the applicant has completed four years of the required land surveying experience, as defined in this section, or has achieved senior standing in a school or college approved by the board. The first stage of the examination shall test the applicant's knowledge of appropriate fundamentals of land surveying subjects, including mathematics and the basic sciences.
(ii) At any time after the completion of the required eight years of land surveying experience, as defined in this section, the applicant may take the second stage of the examination upon submission of an application for registration and payment of the application fee prescribed in RCW 18.43.050. This stage of the examination shall test the applicant's ability, upon the basis of greater experience, to apply knowledge and experience in the field of land surveying.
(iii) The first stage shall be successfully completed before the second stage may be attempted. Applicants who have been approved by the board to take the examination based on the requirement for six years of experience under this section before July 1, 1996, are eligible to sit for the examination.
(2) No person shall be eligible for registration as a professional engineer, engineer-in-training, professional land surveyor, or land-surveyor-in-training, who is not of good character and reputation.
(3) Teaching, of a character satisfactory to the board shall be considered as experience not in excess of two years for the appropriate profession.
(4) The mere execution, as a contractor, of work designed by a professional engineer, or the supervision of the construction of such work as a foreman or superintendent shall not be deemed to be practice of engineering.
(5) Any person having the necessary qualifications prescribed in this chapter to entitle him or her to registration shall be eligible for such registration although the person may not be practicing his or her profession at the time of making his or her application.
[2007 c 193 § 1; 2000 c 172 § 1; 1995 c 356 § 2; 1991 c 19 § 2; 1947 c 283 § 7; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 8306-24. Prior: 1935 c 167 § 2; RRS § 8306-2.]
Notes: Effective date -- 2007 c 193: "This act takes effect July 1, 2008." [2007 c 193 § 3.]
Effective date -- 1995 c 356: See note following RCW 18.43.020.