An application for an escrow agent license shall be in writing in such form as is prescribed by the director, and shall be verified on oath by the applicant. An application for an escrow agent license shall include the following:
(1) The applicant's form of business organization and place of organization;
(2) Information concerning the identity of the applicant, and its officers, directors, owners, partners, controlling persons, and employees, including fingerprints for submission to the Washington state patrol, the federal bureau of investigation, and any government agency or subdivision authorized to receive information for state and national criminal history background checks; personal history; experience; business record; purposes; and other pertinent facts, as the director may reasonably require. The director may also request criminal history record information, including nonconviction data, as defined by RCW 10.97.030. The department may disseminate nonconviction data obtained under this section only to criminal justice agencies. The applicant must pay the cost of fingerprinting and processing the fingerprints by the department;
(3) If the applicant is a corporation or limited liability company, the address of its physical location, a list of officers, controlling persons, and directors of such corporation or company and their residential addresses, telephone numbers, and other identifying information as the director may determine by rule. If the applicant is a sole proprietorship or partnership, the address of its business location, a list of owners, partners, or controlling persons and their residential addresses, telephone numbers, and other identifying information as the director may determine by rule. Any information in the application regarding the personal residential address or telephone number of any officer, director, partner, owner, controlling person, or employee is exempt from the public records disclosure requirements of chapter 42.56 RCW;
(4) In the event the applicant is doing business under an assumed name, a copy of the master business license with the registered trade name shown;
(5) The qualifications and business history of the applicant and all of its officers, directors, owners, partners, and controlling persons;
(6) A personal credit report from a recognized credit reporting bureau satisfactory to the director on all officers, directors, owners, partners, and controlling persons of the applicant;
(7) Whether any of the officers, directors, owners, partners, or controlling persons have been convicted of any crime within the preceding ten years which relates directly to the business or duties of escrow agents, or have suffered a judgment within the preceding five years in any civil action involving fraud, misrepresentation, any unfair or deceptive act or practice, or conversion;
(8) The identity of the licensed escrow officer designated by the escrow agent as the designated escrow officer responsible for supervising the agent's escrow activity;
(9) Evidence of compliance with the bonding and insurance requirements of RCW 18.44.201; and
(10) Any other information the director may require by rule. The director may share any information contained within a license application, including fingerprints, with the federal bureau of investigation and other regulatory or law enforcement agencies.
[2010 c 34 § 3; 2005 c 274 § 224; 1999 c 30 § 3; 1977 ex.s. c 156 § 3; 1965 c 153 § 3. Formerly RCW 18.44.030.]
Notes: Part headings not law -- Effective date--2005 c 274: See RCW 42.56.901 and 42.56.902.