(1) Any provision of a contract between a merchant or retailer and a credit or debit card issuer, financial institution, or other person that prohibits the merchant or retailer from verifying the identity of a customer who offers to pay for goods or services with a credit or debit card by requiring or requesting that the customer present additional identification is void for violation of public policy.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as: (a) Compelling merchants or retailers to verify identification; or (b) interfering with the ability of the owner or manager of a retail store or chain to make and enforce its own policies regarding verification of identification.
[2003 c 89 § 2.]
Notes: Findings -- 2003 c 89: "The legislature finds that financial fraud is too common, and that it threatens the safety and well-being of the public by driving up the costs of goods and services and unduly burdening the law enforcement community. Further, the legislature finds that financial fraud can be deterred by allowing retailers to verify the identity of persons who seek to pay for goods or services with a credit or debit card. Finally, the legislature finds that some retailers are deterred from verifying their customers' identity by contractual arrangements with credit card issuers. The legislature declares that such contracts violate the public policy that all citizens should be able to take reasonable steps to prevent themselves and their communities from falling victim to crime." [2003 c 89 § 1.]