(1) Whenever necessary for the prompt and orderly administration of justice, the chief justice of the supreme court of the state of Washington may appoint any regularly elected and qualified judge of the superior court or any retired judge of a court of record in this state to serve as judge pro tempore of the court of appeals: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That no judge pro tempore appointed to serve on the court of appeals may serve more than ninety days in any one year.
(2) If the term of a judge of the court of appeals expires with cases or other judicial business pending, the chief justice of the supreme court of the state of Washington, upon the recommendation of the chief presiding judge of the court of appeals, may appoint the judge to serve as judge pro tempore of the court of appeals, whenever necessary for the prompt and orderly administration of justice. No judge may be appointed under this subsection more than one time and no appointment may exceed sixty days.
(3) Before entering upon his or her duties as judge pro tempore of the court of appeals, the appointee shall take and subscribe an oath of office as provided for in Article IV, section 28 of the state Constitution.
[1997 c 88 § 3; 1977 ex.s. c 49 § 2; 1973 c 114 § 1.]
Notes:Judge pro tempore appointments: RCW 2.56.170.