(1) In lieu of the bonding provision required by RCW 20.01.210, any dealer who buys, agrees to buy, or pays for the production or increase of any agricultural product by paying to the consignor at the time of obtaining possession or control of any agricultural product the full agreed price of the agricultural product may file a bond in an amount equal to the dealer's maximum monthly purchases, divided by twelve, but the minimum bond under this section shall be no less than ten thousand dollars.
(2) Any dealer using the bonding provisions of this section shall file an affidavit with the director that sets forth the dealer's maximum monthly purchases from or payments to consignors. The affidavit shall be filed at the time of application and with each renewal.
(3) Any dealer bonded under this section who is found to be in violation of this chapter shall be required to comply with the bonding requirements of RCW 20.01.210 for a minimum of two years.
[2003 c 395 § 4; 1983 c 305 § 5; 1977 ex.s. c 304 § 16.]
Notes: Severability -- 1983 c 305: See note following RCW 20.01.010.