Acknowledgment form, corporations: RCW 64.08.070.
Acquisition of corporate stock by another corporation to lessen competition declared unlawful -- Exceptions -- Judicial order to divest: RCW 19.86.060.
Actions by and against public corporations: RCW 4.08.110, 4.08.120.
Constitutional provisions, generally: State Constitution Art. 12.
Consumer loan act: Chapter 31.04 RCW.
Corporations for educational, social, religious, fraternal, etc., purposes: Title 24 RCW.
Crimes relating to corporations: Chapter 9.24 RCW.
Criminal procedure: RCW 10.01.070 through 10.01.100.
Dentistry, practice or solicitation prohibited: RCW 18.32.675.
Doing business without license, gross misdemeanor: RCW 9.24.040.
Eminent domain by corporations: Chapter 8.20 RCW.
Legal services, advertising of, penalty: RCW 30.04.260.
Materials specifically authorized to be printed and distributed by secretary of state: RCW 43.07.140.
Partnerships: Title 25 RCW.
"Person" defined: RCW 1.16.080.
Seals, effect of: RCW 64.04.105.
Secretary of state, duties: Chapter 43.07 RCW.
Washington business corporation act: Title 23B RCW. TABLE OF PRIOR LAWS LAWS OF CHAPTER PAGES 1866 55 -66 1867 137 -138 1869 330 -350 1871 101 1873 398 -419 1879 109 1879 124 1879 134 1879 140 1879 155 Code 1881 §§ 2421 -2487 1883 45 1886 84 -89 1888 31 63 -64 1888 32 65 1890 9 288 -291 1891 35 73 1891 116 213 1893 118 279 1895 38 61 1895 127 338 1895 142 355 1897 70 134 1899 58 100 1899 106 174 1903 84 124 1903 93 141 1905 11 27 1905 27 51 1905 109 215 1907 107 205 1907 140 270 1909 46 72 1909 ex.s. 19 57 1911 41 135 1911 80 379 1915 93 272 1919 172 512 1923 39 102 1923 105 288 1923 144 462 1923 168 539 1925 ex.s. 87 112 1925 ex.s. 147 410 1925 ex.s. 149 417 1927 169 188 1927 206 301 1929 227 631 TABLE OF COMPILATION OF PRIOR LAWS 1 Hill's Code §§ 1497 through 16451 Ballinger's §§ 4250 through 44622 Rem. and Bal. §§ 3677 through 3766-20Rem. 1915 Code §§ 3677 through 3677-20Rem. Comp. Stat. §§ 3803 through 3923Rem. Rev. Stat. §§ 3803 through 3923-24