The provisions of this chapter relating to domestic corporations shall apply to:
(1) All corporations organized hereunder; and
(2) All not for profit corporations heretofore organized under any act hereby repealed, for a purpose or purposes for which a corporation might be organized under this chapter; and
(3) Any corporation to which this chapter does not otherwise apply, which is authorized to elect, and does elect, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, as now or hereafter amended, to have the provisions of this chapter apply to it.
The provisions of this chapter relating to foreign corporations shall apply to all foreign not for profit corporations conducting affairs in this state for a purpose or purposes for which a corporation might be organized under this chapter.
[1971 ex.s. c 53 § 1; 1967 c 235 § 3.]
Notes: Repealer -- Savings -- 1967 c 235: See RCW 24.03.920, 24.03.905.