Actions by and against public corporations: RCW 4.08.110, 4.08.120.
Constitutional provisions, generally: State Constitution Art. 12.
Consumer loan act: Chapter 31.04 RCW.
Contribution of corporate funds, public, charitable, etc., purposes: RCW 23B.03.020(2)(o).
Crimes relating to corporations: Chapter 9.24 RCW.
Criminal procedure: RCW 10.01.070 through 10.01.100.
Dentistry, practice or solicitation prohibited: RCW 18.32.675.
Doing business without license, gross misdemeanor: RCW 9.24.040.
Eminent domain by corporations: Chapter 8.20 RCW.
False statements, penalty for filing: RCW 43.07.210.
Foreign corporations generally: RCW 23B.16.220 and chapters 23B.01 and 23B.15 RCW. nonadmitted, powers relative to secured interests: Chapter 23B.18 RCW.
Legal services, advertising of, penalty: RCW 30.04.260.
Materials specifically authorized to be printed and distributed by secretary of state: RCW 43.07.140.
Partnerships: Title 25 RCW.
"Person" defined: RCW 1.16.080.
Seals, effect of: RCW 64.04.105.
Secretary of state, duties: Chapter 43.07 RCW.