A person solemnizing a marriage shall, within thirty days thereafter, make and deliver to the county auditor of the county wherein the license was issued a certificate for the files of the county auditor, and a certificate for the files of the state registrar of vital statistics. The certificate for the files of the county auditor shall be substantially as follows:
| COUNTY OF . . . . . . . . . . . . This is to certify that the undersigned, a . . . . . ., by authority of a license bearing date the . . . . day of . . . . . . A.D., 19. . ., and issued by the County auditor of the county of . . . . . ., did, on the . . . . day of . . . . . . A.D., 19. . ., at . . . . . . in this county and state, join in lawful wedlock A.B. of the county of . . . . . ., state of . . . . . . and C.D. of the county of . . . . . ., state of . . . . . ., with their mutual assent, in the presence of F H and E G, witnesses. In Testimony Whereof, witness the signatures of the parties to said ceremony, the witnesses and myself, this . . . . day of . . . . . ., A.D., 19. . .
The certificate for the files of the state registrar of vital statistics shall be in accordance with *RCW 70.58.200. The certificate forms for the files of the county auditor and for the files of the state registrar of vital statistics shall be provided by the state registrar of vital statistics.
[1967 c 26 § 4; 1947 c 59 § 1; 1927 c 172 § 1; Code 1881 § 2385; 1866 p 82 § 7; 1854 p 405 § 7; RRS § 8445.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: RCW 70.58.200 was repealed by 1991 c 96 § 6.
Effective date -- 1967 c 26: See note following RCW 43.70.150.