Any person who shall undertake to join others in marriage knowing that he is not lawfully authorized so to do, or any person authorized to solemnize marriage, who shall join persons in marriage contrary to the provisions of *this chapter, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred, nor less than one hundred dollars.
[Code 1881 § 2395; 1866 p 84 § 17; RRS § 8454. FORMER PART OF SECTION: 1909 c 249 § 419; RRS § 2671 now codified as RCW 26.04.250.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: "This chapter" (chapter 182, Code 1881) is codified as RCW 26.04.010, 26.04.050 through 26.04.140, and 26.04.220 through 26.04.240. Code 1881 §§ 2391 and 2392, being part of chapter 182, Code 1881, appear to be superseded by 1909 ex.s. c 16 § 3 (RCW 26.04.210) which is subject to the penalties of RCW 26.04.230.