(1) The mother-child relationship is established between a child and a woman by:
(a) The woman's having given birth to the child, except as otherwise provided in RCW 26.26.210 through 26.26.260;
(b) An adjudication of the woman's maternity;
(c) Adoption of the child by the woman;
(d) A valid surrogate parentage contract, under which the mother is an intended parent of the child, as provided in RCW 26.26.210 through 26.26.260; or
(e) An affidavit and physician's certificate in a form prescribed by the department of health wherein the donor of ovum or surrogate gestation carrier sets forth her intent to be legally bound as the parent of a child or children born through alternative reproductive medical technology by filing the affidavit and physician's certificate with the registrar of vital statistics within ten days after the date of the child's birth pursuant to RCW 26.26.735.
(2) The father-child relationship is established between a child and a man by:
(a) An unrebutted presumption of the man's paternity of the child under RCW 26.26.116;
(b) The man's having signed an acknowledgment of paternity under RCW 26.26.300 through 26.26.375, unless the acknowledgment has been rescinded or successfully challenged;
(c) An adjudication of the man's paternity;
(d) Adoption of the child by the man;
(e) The man's having consented to assisted reproduction by his wife under RCW 26.26.700 through 26.26.730 that resulted in the birth of the child; or
(f) A valid surrogate parentage contract, under which the father is an intended parent of the child, as provided in RCW 26.26.210 through 26.26.260.
[2002 c 302 § 201.]