(1) Under this chapter, a man is rebuttably identified as the father of a child if the genetic testing complies with this section and RCW 26.26.400 through 26.26.415 and 26.26.425 through 26.26.450 and the results disclose that:
(a) The man has at least a ninety-nine percent probability of paternity, using a prior probability of 0.50, as calculated by using the combined paternity index obtained in the testing; and
(b) A combined paternity index of at least one hundred to one.
(2) A man identified under subsection (1) of this section as the father of the child may rebut the genetic testing results only by other genetic testing satisfying the requirements of this section and RCW 26.26.400 through 26.26.415 and 26.26.425 through 26.26.450 which:
(a) Excludes the man as a genetic father of the child; or
(b) Identifies another man as the father of the child.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in RCW 26.26.445, if more than one man is identified by genetic testing as the possible father of the child, the court shall order them to submit to further genetic testing to identify the genetic father.
[2002 c 302 § 405.]