As of May 17, 1991, school districts shall not remove facilities, equipment, or property from the jurisdiction or use of the technical colleges. This shall include direct and indirect funds other than those indirect charges provided for in the 1990-91 appropriations act. School districts shall not increase direct or indirect charges for central district administrative support for technical college programs above the percentage rate charged in the 1990-91 school year. This provision on administrative charges for technical college programs shall apply to any state and federal grants, tuition, and other revenues generated by technical college programs. School districts and the superintendent of public instruction shall cooperate fully with the technical colleges and the state board for community and technical colleges with regard to the implementation of chapter 238, Laws of 1991. No employee of a technical college may be discriminated against based on actions or opinions expressed on issues surrounding chapter 238, Laws of 1991. Any dispute related to issues contained in this section shall be resolved under RCW 28B.50.302.
[1991 c 238 § 142.]
Notes: Effective dates -- Severability -- 1991 c 238: See RCW 28B.50.917 and 28B.50.918.