Any board of directors at its discretion may, and, upon a petition of a majority of the legal voters of their district, shall call a special meeting of the voters of the district, to determine the length of time in excess of the minimum length of time prescribed by law that such school shall be maintained in the district during the year; to determine whether or not the district shall purchase any schoolhouse site or sites, and to determine the location thereof; or to determine whether or not the district shall build one or more schoolhouses or school facilities; or to determine whether or not the district shall sell any real or personal property belonging to the district, borrow money or establish and maintain a school district library.
[1982 c 158 § 4; 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28A.58.370. Prior: 1909 c 97 p 349 § 1; RRS § 5028; prior: 1901 c 177 § 18; 1897 c 118 § 156. Formerly RCW 28A.58.370, 28.58.370.]
Notes: Severability -- 1982 c 158: See note following RCW 28A.150.220.