(1) The superintendent of public instruction shall annually determine the estimated amount due by a nonhigh school district to a high school district for the school year as follows:
(a) The total of the high school district's maintenance and operation excess tax levy that has been authorized and determined by the superintendent of public instruction to be allowable pursuant to RCW 84.52.0531, as now or hereafter amended, for collection during the next calendar year, shall first be divided by the total estimated number of annual average full-time equivalent students which the high school district superintendent or the superintendent of public instruction has certified pursuant to RCW 28A.545.060 will be enrolled in the high school district during the school year;
(b) The result of the calculation provided for in subsection (1)(a) of this section shall then be multiplied by the estimated number of annual average full-time equivalent students residing in the nonhigh school district that will be enrolled in the high school district during the school year which has been established pursuant to RCW 28A.545.060; and
(c) The result of the calculation provided for in subsection (1)(b) of this section shall be adjusted upward to the extent the estimated amount due by a nonhigh school district for the prior school year was less than the actual amount due based upon actual annual average full-time equivalent student enrollments during the previous school year and the actual per annual average full-time equivalent student maintenance and operation excess tax levy rate for the current tax collection year, of the high school district, or adjusted downward to the extent the estimated amount due was greater than such actual amount due or greater than such lesser amount as a high school district may have elected to assess pursuant to RCW 28A.545.090.
(2) The amount arrived at pursuant to subsection (1)(c) of this subsection shall constitute the estimated amount due by a nonhigh school district to a high school district for the school year.
[1990 c 33 § 491; 1981 c 264 § 5. Formerly RCW 28A.44.190.]
Notes: Severability -- 1981 c 264: See note following RCW 28A.545.030.