The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall identify school districts that have the most significant achievement gaps among subgroups of students and for large numbers of those students, and districts that should receive priority for assistance in advancing cultural competency skills in their workforce. The professional educator standards board shall provide assistance to the identified school districts to develop partnership grant programs between the districts and teacher preparation programs to provide one or more of the four alternative route programs under RCW 28A.660.040 and to recruit paraeducators and other individuals in the local community to become certified as teachers. A partnership grant program proposed by an identified school district shall receive priority eligibility for partnership grants under RCW 28A.660.020. To the maximum extent possible, the board shall coordinate the recruiting Washington teachers program under RCW 28A.415.370 with the alternative route programs under this section.
[2009 c 468 § 6.]
Notes: Findings -- Intent -- 2009 c 468: See note following RCW 28A.300.136.