(1) To the extent funds are appropriated for this purpose, the higher education coordinating board, with input from the state board for community and technical colleges, the foster care partnership, and institutions of higher education, shall develop and maintain an internet web site and outreach program to serve as a comprehensive portal for foster care youth in Washington state to obtain information regarding higher education including, but not necessarily limited to:
(a) Academic, social, family, financial, and logistical information important to successful postsecondary educational success;
(b) How and when to obtain and complete college applications;
(c) What college placement tests, if any, are generally required for admission to college and when and how to register for such tests;
(d) How and when to obtain and complete a federal free application for federal student aid (FAFSA); and
(e) Detailed sources of financial aid likely available to eligible former foster care youth, including the financial aid provided by this chapter.
(2) The board shall determine whether to design, build, and operate such program and web site directly or to use, support, and modify existing web sites created by government or nongovernmental entities for a similar purpose.
[2007 c 314 § 6.]